May 19, 2015

EGRIP traverse on the move

Two traverse trains head ESE in the glare of a morning halo.

We began late today (breakfast at 8) due to late arrival last night.
Then several hours were spent reconfiguring the trains. In the meantime, the two slowest vehicles took off. Finally, the main train (Two Pistenbullies and one CASE) could leave at 12.
Reconfiguring helped, and we made good time without incidents (55 km).
Some vehicles arrived at the next stop at 18.30 and began setting up camp. As the last tractor arrived at 20.15 camp was established.
Tomorrow we will begin earlier yet, as we do not need to reconfigure loads.
During the traverse, three science groups swarm around the traverse train like busy bees. In the evening, at 23.00 a Twin Otter aeroplane stopped by. This is a prearranged visit by Koni Stefffen and his PARCA crew. They are here to maintain automatic weather stations on the Greenland ice sheet.
We are temporarily 17 persons in camp.

What we have done today:

  1. Reconfiguring sled trains.
  2. Service on vehicles.
  3. Flexmobils left at 11, and main train followed at 12. At 20.00 we all had arrived midway between Waypoint 9 and 10 (77.12 N, 48.15W, 79 km from NEEM site).
  4. Measurement of radar and GPS en-route.
  5. Snow sampling en-route.
  6. Received Twin Otter flight with the PARCA weather station crew. Six more persons stay in camp tonight.
  7. Contact with our colleagues on the Renland Ice cap.

Ad.7: The Renland team reports that one person had to be helicoptered out due to problems at home. Main drilling has reached 137m and the drillers prepare for “wet” drilling. Second firn air sampling and drilling almost complete.

NEEM weather: Beautiful all day. Temp. -15°C to -22°C, 2-5 m/s from SE. Visibility unrestricted.

FL, J.P. Steffensen