August 12+13, 2017

A weekend with celebrations

Johanna, Wataru and Tomi celebrating that all thin sections have been measured this year.

The weekend has been very windy with quite a lot of snow. The camp has worked on finishing the science programs and documenting the camp.  Sunday we celebrated both the measurement of the last thin section for ice rheology and the last surface sampling happening this season. Good work done! Trevor has moved the shallow drill to his weatherport Stapi and is packing the drill for shipment to the Disco Island where we plan drill an ice core through Lyngmarksbræen in March 2018.

What we did today:

  1. Deep drilling core length at 19.00 Saturday: 14.02 m.
  2. Drillers depth at 19.00 Saturday: 880.16 m.
  3. Deep drilling core length at 19.00 Sunday: 3.19 m.
  4. Drillers depth at 19.00 Sunday: 883.8 m.
  5. Water vapour, methane, aerosols, snow and boundary layer measurements - last measurements.
  6. Physical properties measurements – last measurements.
  7. Water isotope sampling for sublimation studies-last measurements.
  8. Documentation of mechanic garage.
  9. Documentation of food in cooks freezer.
  10. Weighing and strapping ice core boxes.
  11. Packing and documenting shallow drill.
  12. Updating EGRIP database.
  13. HAZMAT preparations.

Weather: Overcast with snowfall, wind 3-11 m/s from W to NW, temperatures -16°C to -6°C.

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Trevor working from home.

Emma and Martin happy and exhausted after taking the last surface samples.