August 17, 2017

Last day at EGRIP

Group picture.

The mission to EGRIP has been postponed to Friday – so we had an extra last day in camp. With the many hands in camp we took down two additional weatherport, winterized the surface over the trenches and also tons of other tasks. We took a group picture after dinner. The final pull out will be 22nd August.

What we did today:

  1. 1 sleeping weatherport taken down.
  2. Garbage pallet with additional equipment on top built.
  3. Levelling of camp with Pistenbully.
  4. Kitchen tent emptied and packed.
  5. Posts with electrical power for weatherports extended.
  6. Photo documentation of drill trench.

Ad 4: Additional dry food packed in foam boxes and stored in main dome (2 boxes for next year use) the rest in the ice core storage room beside the lift.

Weather: Sun with wind 0 m/ to 2 m/s from variable directions, temperatures -29°C to -18°C.

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen