July 9, 2019

Change is in the air

Left: Everybody in the fully staffed science trench at EGRIP in 2019. Right: Home sweet EGRIP home, this is the first time our happy couple Tomotaka and Naoko has had the opportunity to share the same “house”.

The sense of an upcoming flight period is palpable here at EGRIP, with camp members mentally preparing to say goodbye and the science trench working hard to bring processing to completion. Today DEP measurements of all cores from this seasons coring were completed, so Hamid will be able to assist the rest of the processing line in the coming days.
It was also a time for packing with cargo being readied and outgoing camp members staring to gather their belongings. For Naoko and Tomotaka, the stay at EGRIP has been something special in particular, as this happy couple normally live in different cities, but at EGRIP they had the pleasure of their own nice little weatherport – living together for this long for the first time. Probably their next home will be a bit larger, but it is unlikely to be more red or further north!
In the drill trench, drilling and filtering equipment was put the side, and our bore hole logger mounted and lowered down the entire length of the 2122m deep EGRIP bore hole. Otherwise work in the science trench continued at pace, and the surface program made steady progress monitoring both surface processes and the near surface atmosphere here at EGRIP.

What we did during the day:

  1. Logging the deep bore hole.
  2. Preparing cargo for upcoming flight.
  3. Ice core processing of 66 bags, including detailed isotope samples, last bag 3721.
  4. CFA measurements of 22 bags, last bag 3380.
  5. PP measurements in science trench, last bag 3596.
  6. Finished up DEP measurements of this year’s deep core.
  7. Station for atmospheric moisture sampling and isotopic measurement is active.

EGRIP population is 33.

Weather: Wind between 2kts and 12kts gradually turning from SW to NW and decreasing during the day. Cloudy and moist conditions prevailed during the entire day. Temperatures from -8°C to -2°C.

FL, Bo Vinther