12. maj 2016

Waiting for the Daily...

This is how it looked yesterday. Today it should be covered with a thick layer of snow...

The Daily for Thursday, May 12, is a bit delayed. All crew has been very busy round the clock to tame the big balloon animal. So no time for writing. And no time for sleeping.
Via phone, Friday 13 at 13 (09.00 in the camp) the following has escaped from camp: After many hours of intensive work the camp is completely calm. All crew is fast asleep after a long day and an even longer nights work.
Pumping up the balloons with air was quite a bigger job than expected. And covering it all with a thick layer of snow has been equally demanding.
The next 3 days the balloons will be checked every 3 hours to make sure that the "animals" do not break too much wind… the pressure has to be kept constant until the snow has become solid as rock.
For a couple of years this layer will be the roof of the trenches where the drilling, measurements and a large number of useful scientific work will be carried out.

Weather is more or less unchanged: Little wind, fairly cold but sunny.

This page will be updated with news from camp as soon as it lands in our mailbox.

Lone Holm Hansen for FL


Stor aktivitet: Torsdag morgen til fredag morgen kl 06.30

Balloner på linje før udpakning.

Now the big task is done: All balloons are now buried under several meter snow, and the snow surface is flat again with only a few ventilation shafts and hoses sticking out of the snow. A few bamboo flags mark the site of the days and nights drama.
We started early, mounting the last ventilation shafts and arranging the balloons in the bottom of the excavated trench. Then the hoses were connected and all hoses were led to a tent housing our pump station. At 1600 pumping began, and after 2 hours the small balloons were pressurized. At 2130 the large green balloon was pressurized, followed by the white NEEM balloon at 2230.
Then we began to blow snow back onto the balloons with the Pistenbully and a Yanmar. The other Pistenbully maintained a snow supply by pushing snow. We worked through the night and at 0630 the task was completed. Now we have to wait three days, where we maintain pressure in the balloons, until the snow hardens. In three days it will be revealed if the operation has been a success. At least, the balloon part has been a success through the hard work of all camp personnel, and through the careful production and supply of all necessary balloons and parts by the Danish company Presenco.

What we have done today:

  1. Unpacking balloons and placing them into position.
  2. Bringing warm air hoses to the site in the back of a Pistenbully.
  3. Setting up pump station in pop-up tent.
  4. Laying extension cable to pump site and installing carpenters distribution box.
  5. Inflating balloons and blowing snow back.

Weather today: Mostly clear, in the night thin clouds. Temp. -15°C to -27°C, Wind 10-15 kt from W to SW. Visibility: To horizon.

FL, J.P. Steffensen

Der lægges slanger. Fra venstre til højre: Christian, J.P., Joel, Malte og Kaitlin.

Hans Christian, Malte og Kaitlin montere de sidste ventilatorrør i udgravningen.

Ballonerne er på plads i udgravningen

Ballonerne pumpes op. Elevatorballonen holdes lodret med kran.

Christian ; Joel og Malte vender en ballon.

Det indre af pumpestationen. Trykmålerne sidder på træpladen.

ballonerne er næsten pumpet op. Til venstre i udgravningen ses næsen af tunnelballonen.

Der er fult tryk når Pistenbullyen arbejder.