May 21, 2015
EGRIP traverse camp on the ridge with Twin Otter aeroplane.
Although the traverse was late to get under way, we made good time, and drove 55 km in fine snow conditions, without any major incidents. The two flexmobils started first, followed by the Pistenbully pulling the GrIT sled. The last to depart were the CASE with the dome and the Pistenbully with the sled train. The tractors arrived at our present destination in almost reverse order.
Again today, two science groups swarmed around the traverse train like busy bees. The third snowmobile group went directly to former 2007 drill site 1 to drill a core. We met them on arrival. We have arrived at the highest point of our traverse. We have climbed from 2484 m (NEEM) to 2771 m.
We are now on the main Greenland ice divide. Tomorrow, we will begin our decent into East Greenland towards EGRIP site at 2705m. We are also at the point of the Greenland ice sheet where it is furthest from any margin of the ice sheet, some 500 km in any direction.
In the evening, at 19.00 the Twin Otter aeroplane stopped by and Koni Steffen and his PARCA crew stay another night.
We are temporarily 17 persons in camp.
What we have done today:
NEEM weather: Beautiful day. Temp. -25°C to -15°C, 2-5 m/s from SSE. Visibility: Unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen