June 7, 2015

Plane Monday cancelled too – the art of hurrying up and waiting

Sleds with equipment parked for the winter on snow hills.

What can you do? Except for waiting? Everything has been packed down, and we can do nothing. If we would engage in an activity outside, we would need to unpack equipment and activate vehicles. This would add unnecessary complications to our camp closing procedure. We therefore have to contend ourselves with waiting.
In the afternoon, we were told that the plane on Monday is cancelled too – maybe Tuesday....
People spent the day mostly in the dome reading books, playing games and watching movies. Everybody is safe, albeit a bit impatient. We found some food for tomorrow in the ice storage outside, and we have fuel and food for several weeks.

What we have done today:

  1. Waiting for news about the plane.
  2. Talking to office in Kangerlussuaq.
  3. Several phone calls to family and friends.
  4. Watching movies and reading books.
  5. Fixing the coffee machine.

Weather: Beautiful day. Temp. -13°C to -24°C, 5 m/s from WSW. Visibility: Un-restricte.

FL, J.P. Steffensen