April 27, 2016

Third hand news from EGRIP

The put in team of 7 people (J.P Steffensen (FL), S. Harvey, H.C. Florian, S. Kipfstuhl, J. Pedro, K. Keegan, S.O. Rasmussen) departed Kangerlussuaq at 09:40 local time. The weather forecast was promising and it was decided to give it a try.
The ski-equipped LC-130 managed to land on the unprepared skiway at EGRIP.
But - due to warm temperatures (-12°C to -10°C) and the soft and unprepared skiway the skier did not manage to get of the snow.

While the team started to open camp the Pisten Bully was taken out of the overwintering garage so the skiway could be groomed.

To my best knowledge it was decided in camp to postpone the attempt to take off to the coldest time of the night (probable between 4.6 am local) also allowing the groomed snow to settle.

Cross your fingers for a success this morning - and good luck to the busy put in team.

Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
Chair of the EGRIP Steering Committee