June 7, 2016
A view to the Northwestern end of camp.
The last two flights for this period are scheduled for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. On tomorrows flight will be a group from the Danish Ministry for Research and Higher Education, including the Minister herself. The plane will also bring fuel and cargo. On the day after tomorrow, we will have the last crew exchange in this period. Of the original put-in crew there will only be Sarah and Chris after the exchange.
As we have just finished laying cables to the last two weatherports, all structures in camp have now electrical power. There are more cables to lay; but for now this will do. There are no more open pits or excavations in the camp area, and this allowed for Chris to groom the entire camp area with the tiller. The skiway is also groomed, and today our skiway received a weight upgrade so the planes can increase the amount of cargo per flight. This is money saved, and we are happy with this outcome.
There was an extra voluntary cook today, as J.P. prepared Danish flaeskesteg (pork roast) with cabbage, and brown and white potatoes – almost like Christmas in Denmark; but then again there is nothing but snow outside.
What we have done today:
Ad. 1: The Nettles group successfully retrieved the seismic station at NE-5 (Close to Danmarkshavn).
Ad.6: The pore close off depth at EGRIP is 63 m.
Weather today: Sunny all day. Temp. -11°C to -22°C. Wind 10 - 12 kt from WSW. Visibility: To horizon.
FL, J.P. Steffensen