July 9, 2016

Saturday night again

EGRIP group picture.

An absolutely beautiful day with sun and no wind. After a good and normal day of work we enjoyed a shower and a perfect meal with sushi (Naoko and Fumio) for appetizer with sparkling wine, outdoor barbeque (Nicholas and Christian) and ice cream with raspberry sauce (Dorthe) followed by a lot of old ‘Dye3’ stories. Here is our group picture for this period. We really are a team.

What have we done today:

  1. Placed beams the logging corridor
  2. Worked on a new main door in the Dome and a extended middle floor
  3. Resampled snow surface profile in the clean snow area
  4. Generator maintenance
  5. Sampled and melted Japanize snow samples
  6. Enjoyed Saturday Night

Weather today: Clear sky and sun all day, low clouds in the evening. Temperature -10°C last night increasing to -4°C during the afternoon and dropping to -10°C during the evening. Wind changeable between 5 and 10 kn from SW calming during the evening.

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen