June 27, 2017
Bent at his workbench in the Dome, working on the new drill electronics section.
In a deep drilling operation it is always a goal to find a stable and reproducible mode, bringing up section after section of beautiful ice core. Unfortunately we are struggling to find such a routine. Our hope is, that we can get there by making the new electronics section for the ice core drill work. With this new section the drillers will have a better overview of how the drill performs at depth. Despite of the challenges, the drilling now passed the 500 m mark, which loggers and drillers celebrated together.
On the surface, a lot of items were moved to garages for storage as the wind picked up during the day, and the surface team continued the science program. Further progress was also made in the science trench were both physical properties measurements and CFA water isotope measurements were carried out.
What we did today:
Weather: Changing cloudiness during the day. Wind from WNW up to to 9 m/s. Temperature between -14°C and -7°C.
FL, Bo Vinther