June 28, 2017

A new machine in camp

Karl Emil showing the yellow 3D-printed EastGRIP logo. The 3D-printer is the white box to the right.

Having the right tools and spare parts at hand is one of the major challenges when operating in a remote field location. Today a machine that can generate some tools and spare parts on demand was brought online here at EGRIP: A 3D-printer. Our mechanical engineer Karl Emil is also a specialist in 3D-printers, so he quickly managed to set the printer up, and do a first test (see picture).
In the drill trench a few cores we drilled until mid-afternoon, with continued difficulties during core breaks, challenging the loggers. Later in the day, the liquid column in the bore hole was raised by 40 meters, and the core-catchers changed and core quality improved significantly. Drill electronics were also tested on the drill, but returned to the dome for further modifications.
On the surface, the snowdrifts forming around camp were cleared away, including at trench entrances. Steady progress was made both in the science trench and doing surface science. Furthermore the seal between the core buffer and the drill trench was completed to keep core-buffer temperature below -20 °C.

What we did today:

  1. Clearing drifts away from the surface and trench entrances.
  2. Deep drilling core length at 19.00: 6.72 m.
  3. Logging depth at 19.00: 510.16 m.
  4. Water isotopes: Depth 116.55 m, remaining 2.5cm samples (bags 201-211) cut.
  5. Water vapour, methane, aerosols, snow and boundary layer measurements.
  6. Physical properties measurements.
  7. Testing new drill electronics.
  8. Completing the seal between the drill trench and the core buffer.
  9. New outhouse pit dug and outhouse-tent moved to new pit.

Weather: Mostly sunny, but with a few light snow showers. Wind from W up to to 8 m/s, turning SW and decreasing during the afternoon. Temperature between -12°C and -8°C.

FL, Bo Vinther

Nora digging in the outhouse pit. It has to be deep, so a bucket and helpers on the surface are needed.