July 27, 2017
Checker Tobi recording Toby entering the trenches at EGRIP.
This week has been special because we have media from Germany and Japan. It is a pleasure to be able to host them. And fun to watch the Checker Tobi recording material for a film. Every ‘scene’ is repeated around ten times and Toby, the central person in the children’s television show Checker Toby is walking up and down the ramps, ladders ect. Jumi from Asahi Shimbun is making interviews with all from camp and recording all activities at EGRIP.
What we did today:
Ad. 1: The day was used first testing the Cryoegg, followed by the weekly borehole logging, boreholefilter runs (8 kg chips recovered) and test of a second electronic section for the deep drill. Drilling started again after the reporting time 19:00.
Ad. 9: The Cryoegg could communicate with the antenna on the surface until a depth of 400m. A great success.
Ad. 10: The borehole inclination has been reduced from 5.7 deg at the depth 570 m to 2.4 deg at the present depth 725 m.
Weather: Overcast with winds from 3 to 6 m/s from SW and temperatures from -16°C to -1°C.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
Plot of the inclination of the 735 m deep borehole at EGRIP.