August 2, 2017

800 m is reached

Svenja drilling the 800 m ice core. The whole camp watched the ice core surface.

We are using the shorter Hans Tausen drill and only allowing cores to be 1.8 m while drilling through the brittle ice (500-1200 m). With a maximum of 8-9 runs a day this limits the production to around 16 m per day. The 16 m of ice drilled today is thus a record and the drillers worked hard for this because we would reach 800 m. It was celebrated around dinner time with a speech by Trevor praising the dedicated and good work of the present drillers and all those who have contributed during the season.

What we did today:

  1. Deep drilling core length at 19.00: 16.06 m.
  2. Drillers depth at 19.00: 801.1 m.
  3. Shallow drilling S3 ice core. Length 19.55 m, depth 69.69 m.
  4. Water vapour, methane, aerosols, snow and boundary layer measurements.
  5. Physical properties measurements.
  6. Water isotope sampling for sublimation studies.
  7. GPS and Drone mission to the around camp.
  8. Maintenance of crane Pistenbully.
  9. Rearranged IT cables outside, under and inside Dome.
  10. Snowblowed snow around Dome to keep it windproof underneath the buildning.

Weather: Sunny in the morning, clouds and snow in the evening with winds from 2 to 6 m/s variable from W and SW and temperatures from -20°C to -5°C.

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen