August 10, 2017


Chris documenting in the red mechanic garage.

One of the last and very important tasks in camp is to document the whole camp. With such a remote camp as EGRIP is we need to know what we can find in camp next year and what we need to bring to be 100% self-sufficient. Chis is documenting the mechanic garage down to sparepart numbers for skidoos, Pistenbully’s and generators.

What we did today:

  1. Deep drilling core length at 19.00: 4.66 m.
  2. Drillers depth at 19.00: 855.63 m.
  3. Water vapour, methane, aerosols, snow and boundary layer measurements.
  4. Last measurement of bamboo-forest and resetting of poles to the height 58 cm (+- 0.5 cm).
  5. Physical properties measurements.
  6. Water isotope sampling for sublimation studies.
  7. Documentation of carpenters garage.
  8. Documentation of mechanic garage.
  9. Weighing and strapping ice core boxes.
  10. Short generator stop for oil shift.

Weather: Overcast with snowfall, wind 2-6 m/s from NW, N and SW, temperatures -16°C to -8°C

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen