August 15, 2017
Data from weather station showing the drop of wind followed by change of wind direction at 9-10 local.
After a very windy night in the tents and weatherports several from camp had to be digged out of their tents. Even the outdoor tent had blown away! Marc de Keyser who every day during the EGRIP field season has emailed us a weather forecast has the last three days predicted for today: ‘Wind at 6-9utc: 240-260/15-20kt gusts up to 25-30kt after 12utc decreasing and becoming weak’. And look at 9-10 local (11-12 UTC) wind just dropped. Marc – thanks for you amazing forecasts.
What we did today:
Weather: Overcast with snowfall changing to broken clouds and sun, wind 12 m/s dropping to 2 m/s direction changing from W to variable, temperatures -13°C to -8°C.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
Trevor on outdoor toilet (tent missing, red flag up).