July 24, 2018
Sonja measuring the snow height around the bamboo poles.
With the good weather humor was high in the camp and all the work went well. Three teams offered to make dinner on the coming Saturday nights and as we only have two we decided to change a Wednesday to a Saturday! The surface team decided to clean snow away and Peter and Kasper really helped Sonja and AK. We talked a lot about the very positive DV visits and Iben sent us the link to the twitter video from camp. Thanks, minister Tommy Ahlers for the nice tweet from EGRIP
What we did today:
Weather: Sun, blue sky and low wind the whole day. Temperature between -18 °C and -10 °C. Wind 1 to 5 kt from 270T (W)
Camp population: 32
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
Sonja, Peter and Kasper removing snow drifts around the vapor tower (AK taking the picture).