August 4+5, 2018
A tired night shift happy to finish the filter runs on the last shift.
The last two weeks Nan and Kasper have had the night watch – filtering the borehole from midnight until 8 am in the morning when the morning team took over. It is a rather lonely job working while the rest of the camp is sleeping and sleeping while the camp is awake. With the big loss of ice chips in the borehole it has been a life saver. The night between Friday and Saturday was the last night where we filtered the hole during the night. Drilling continues until late Sunday night. As Jon Snow remarks in the ‘Game of Thrones’ : ‘My Watch is over’.
What we did today:
Ad 1: The drillers have decided to go for a drillers depth of 1750 m (logged depth around 1765 m) and expect to reach this depth some time during the night between Sunday and Monday (2 cores more than this daily report includes).
Ad 3: An amazing dust layer or volcanic layers was seen in the last bags in ice about 30 kyr old.
Ad 9: We had a great Saturday night planned and prepared by JC and AK (JACK team). First a game/competition then a great meal, a great song by Line and finally dancing until early morning.
Weather: Broken Clouds during the weekend with occasional snow showers.
Temperature between -18ºC and -6 ºC. Wind between 5 and 9 kt mainly from 240 T.
Camp population: 32
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
Frede is building an igloo (or tipi). Every night the igloo gets new blocks on.