August 8, 2018

Packing tents and weatherports

Packing weatherports and building pallets.

We had a very busy day taking down all the 8 small yellow tents and 2 weatherports and building a pallet with science- and drilling equipment.
The whole camp was involved and with 32 eager EGRIP’ers it went really fast. THANKS to all. Because so many ‘homes’ were down the Dome became a dormitory and we had a very nice and cosy last evening and night.

What we did today:

  1. Took down WP5 and WP8
  2. Took down all small yellow tents in the tent camp
  3. Winterized the science and drill trench
  4. Took down the Surface program tents and mast
  5. Built the science and drill pallet
  6. Had the last fresh greens for dinner
  7. Had a last evening together

Ad 7: Pictures were shared on the net and a first science plot was made. On the plot it is seen that we at a depth of 1767 m have reach into Dansgaard Oeschger event 5 about 32,000 years before present. The processing stopped just before bag 3200, just before the DO event. (All the shown data is from NGRIP).

Weather: A warm day, partly with thin overcast. Temperatures between -9ºC and 0ºC. Wind between 8-16 kt mainly from 240 T.

Camp population: 32

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

A perfect skiway ready for tomorrows mission

First science plot