August 15, 2018

Mills Cross

A drone image of the PistenBully pulling the Mills Cross Radar.

After testing and calibrating the 16 transceiving and transmitting elements on the Mills Cross time has come to move the radar with the Pistenbully. As a first test we will copy lines measured earlier by the AWI Polar 6 aricraft spring 2018 and the NASA Operation IceBridge 2014.

What we did today:

  1. Reorganized of the timber on the timber sledge
  2. Moved boxes to Storage Balloon Trench
  3. Started building one of the retro pallets
  4. Repaired the electronics of the new oven
  5. Closed the elevator to the trenches
  6. Made 5 km lines with the Mills Cross Radar
  7. Cleaned and organized in the Cooks Freezer
  8. Moved the new Fridge into the Dome

Weather: Overcast all day. Temperatures between -12 º and 7 º. Wind 12 kt in the morning decreasing to 3 kt in the night. Wind from 270-320T.

Camp population: 13

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

A map of the surface velocities of the NEGIS ice stream around EGRIP. The camp is marked with a white cross, the skiway with a white line and the proposed along and across lines are those used for the Mills Cross Radar measurements.