August 16, 2018


Iben in the sunset. The picture is taken 00:15 – just after midnight.

We are getting close to the night where the sun sets so every night when the clouds allow we are watchíng to see when the whole sun disc is under the horizon. Not yet! We believe it should happen the night between Saturday and Sunday and plan to enjoy the view from the windows on the first floor of the Dome.

What we did today:

  1. Continued tests of Mills Cross Radar and 170-230 MHz Radar
  2. Documented Carpenters Garage and Storage Balloon Trench
  3. Tuned Main Generator
  4. Groomed apron and cargo area
  5. Repaired and replaced 25 skiway flags
  6. GPS positioned skiway and lead in flags
  7. Closed staircase entrance to trenches
  8. Removed a few bunkbeds
  9. Organized and marked spare cables

Weather: Overcast all day. Temperatures between -18 ºC and -10 ºC. Wind 8 kt during the night dropping to 3 kt the rest of the day. Wind direction 240 T.

Camp population: 13

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen