May 7, 2019
Sepp is cutting snow blocks from ceiling above the heated isotope laboratory.
Lots of snow blocks are being removed from the trenches as the work crew are trimming the ceiling in areas where the it gets too close to the cabins. Another group are putting bunkbeds together in the weatherports. Snow drifts around garages and main dome are in the process of being removed and this makes camp much easier to navigate. Everybody is in a good mood and enjoy the high temperatures of the season. According to schedule, we should have received the AWI Basler tomorrow; but it has been delayed and we do not expect it before the 10th May. At any rate, we are ready to receive it and the passengers on board.
What we did today:
Weather today: Fine all day. Temp. - 11 °C to -25 °C. Wind: 15 kt to 4 kt from WNW. Visibility: Unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen