May 20, 2019
At NEEM, Dorthe waves at Polar 5 as they pull in with Steff and Trevor and reaming equipment to remove an ice blockage that hinders borehole logging.
Today has been the best day so far for being outside. The Sun has been shining all 24 hours of the day, and for once, the wind was gentle. It was really pleasant and everybody enjoyed it. Several took the opportunity to go skiing after work. After the pickup of Sepp and Dorthe at NEEM, camp population is complete again. We expect a visit from the U.S./Swiss PARCA project tomorrow. As the kitchen was not available to the cook while the new fume hood was installed, supper was an extended version of a Danish open sandwich buffet.
What we did today
Ad.1: The NEEM team is now back in camp. During the pick up by Polar 5 extra P-RES radar measurements were done.
EGRIP population is again 26 and NEEM population is 0.
Weather today: Fine with blue sky all day. Temp. - 9 °C to -19 °C. Wind: 6 kt to 12 kt from SSW. Visibility: Unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
Trevor, Dorthe and Steff at the NEEM borehole where the logger is now ready to be deployed.