June 1+2, 2019
Karl Emil, Alexios, Francois, Morihiro and Søren are cleaning the borehole filter after the second filter run.
The new drillers and logger/processers are getting into the routines, and the MAGPIE team is getting their equipment organized. As the weather continues to be cooperative, most tasks on the surface are relatively easy and pleasant. We had a very fine Saturday evening which began with an Italian dinner prepared by Giulia, Alexios and Francois. Pasta was of course a central component. A glass of sangria came along with dinner.
In preparation of two shift drilling beginning tomorrow, the drillers filtered the bore hole fluid to remove excess ice chips in the hole.
What we did this weekend:
Ad.1: Drillers are training new crews. The plan is still to begin drilling in shifts on Monday.
EGRIP population is 28.
Weather this weekend: Fine. Temp. – 12°C to -25°C. Wind: 4 kt to 8 kt from WSW. Visibility: Unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen