June 8, 2022
Mega-trench study. Chantal and Michael at work.
It was one of those days where it was a pleasure to work outside. The Sun was shining and the wind was not strong enough to bite or to move snow. The science groups made good progress in their programs and we accomplished quite a bit in restoring camp. Our IT-guys have installed the satellite dish and obtained a signal. They are one day ahead however, as our satellite contract will activate tomorrow. Once we get internet in camp, it is going to be interesting to see if we can maintain the same level of chatting and person to person interaction as now. Will we become buried in our laptops and cell phones? Anyway, mood in camp right now is really good and everybody is doing fine. COVID is a name from a galaxy far, far away.
What we did today:
Weather today: Fine all day. Temp. -20°C to -15°C. Wind: 6-10 kt from SW. QNH 1010 hPa. Visibility: Unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
Thomas H, Sverrir, Luke, Julien and Thomas F removing the last items from mechanic’s garage before it is moved.