July 30+31, 2022
Picture from the remote shear zone seismic camp.
Saturday, Niels, Mikkel and Florian made a great dinner for us with appetizers, burgers and the left over of Sonja’s Birthday cake. We had a great evening with games being played after dinner. Sunday morning Dorthe and Sverrir managed to get the satellite disc tuned in and get internet back to camp. All cell phones popped up at the brunch table and there were many chats with family and friends during the day. Dinner was Frederik’s wonderful pizzas followed by a Star war movie.
What we did during the weekend:
Ad.1: Most of Saturday was used for filter runs as there had been a few runs with no chip recovery. A last run Saturday afternoon did not produce a ice core and ice was found under one of the shoes. Drilling Sunday has been good with cores of 3.5 m.
21 in camp (since July 26th)
Weather during the weekend: Overcast Saturday and Sunday, clearing to blue sky Sunday afternoon. Wind mostly from W 4-9 kn. Sunday afternoon 4 kn between SW and NW. Temperatures between -22 and -9°C.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen