April 27, 2023
Activity in camp with both Pistenbully and Catarpillar on the move.
This morning we got up to a bit of ground fog, that quickly lifted, so we got another sunny day with moderate winds and temperatures up to -25°C. Making the most of the good weather, we proceeded with clearing the Mechanics garares entrance for snow and getting the Caterpillar and the second Pistenbully started. With heavy machinery now available Sverrir and J.P. got very busy, and soon the main generator was pulled to camp, as well as the timber sledge, fuel drum sledge and weatherports. The surface around the dome as well as parts of the skiway were also groomed. Construction of the first Weatherport also started, with Vasileios patching up one of the boxes while Anna-Maria, Sepp, Jeppe, Aslak and Bo started foundation work and floor construction.
Anna-Maria, Sepp, Jeppe, Aslak and Bo started foundation work and floor construction.
Inside the dome Aslak and J.C. got the IT up and running, including a new internet system that now provides camp with a really good connection. The antenna for the system is now mounted on top of the dome, as a test next to the dome showed that it is sensitive to obstacles. In the kitchen Jeppe prepared both lunch and dinner for us, doing his magic despite the kitchen not being fully operational.
What we did today:
Weather today: Clear blue skies except for ground fog during the night/early morning. Temp. -35°C to -25°C. Wind: 5-10 kt from W and WNW. Visibility: Unrestricted, except for when we have fog, then down to some 500m.
FL, Bo M. Vinther