August 4, 2023

A busy surface day

Sverrir and Sepp taking down the satellite disc

The good weather called for outdoor activities. The reshaping of the winterhills continued, the drums with mixed drill liquid on the hills was moved down on airforce pallets in the camp area and the satellite disc was taken down. Dorthe made the annual skidoo tracking of the skiway and got new positions on the surface shallow core sites. This is needed because the camp moves 58 m each year.

What we did today:

  1. Opened the ramp to the concert hall.
  2. GPS positioned skiway and shallow core positions.
  3. Started building the winterhills.
  4. Moved drums with mixed drill liquid to pallets.
  5. Finished the food documentation.
  6. Finished organizing the timber pallet.
  7. Finished the winterhills.
  8. Took down the satellite disc.

Weather: Sunshine with patches of ground fog. Wind between 2 kt and 8 kt mainly from W. Temperatures between -20°C and -12°C.

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Josephine and Jeppe looking up through the hatch from the cellar below the Dome. They are documenting the food left there for next years start-up.