May 01, 2024

GRIP team arrived at Summit Station

The GRIP team (from left to right: Daniel, Tamara and Iben) ready for departure to Summit Station.

Today the GRIP team flew with the LC-130 to Summit Station. Here, we will most days travel 27 km to the old GRIP camp, which was abandoned in 1993 and is now buried under the snow surface, to find the old borehole. Summit Station will be our host camp where we will eat and sleep every night. We are one of the first science teams at the station this year and got a warm welcome.

What we did today:

  1. Arrived at Summit Station 11.15L time with Skier 32.
  2. Briefing from the Summit Station Site Supervisor.
  3. Visited the Science structure mostly used for atmospheric measurements.
  4. Got settled in our sleeping houses and started to adjust to the altitude.

Weather today: Overcast all day with a little snow in the air. Wind 13 kt turning from NE to SE. Temperatures between -29°C and -19°C.

The GRIP team: Daniel Steinhage, Tamara Gerber, Iben Koldtoft