May 15, 2024

Camp taking shape

A beautiful newly groomed EGRIP skiway.

Today we started putting up the weatherports for accommodation, in preparation for camp soon hosting more people, and to get a little more space for all of us in general. All available hands pitched into this effort, with Aslak, Claus, Julien and Mads forming the core team supported by Astrid, Bo and Sepp when they had some time available in between other tasks. In the end we managed to fully put up 3 of the 5 planned weatherports, and made foundations for the latter 2, so a very good days work.
In the dome comfort is increasing, as we now have running water in all taps, and a fully functioning dishwashing machine, always a welcome milestone here at EGRIP.
In the trench the old logger did not perform as expected, so Dorthe restarted the bore hole logging using our new logger, while Martin continued the debugging of our old device.
In anticipation of upcoming flight operations supporting the Greendrill project, J.P. groomed a Twin Otter parking area, and moved retro cargo into position, before he continued with a third round of skiway grooming. The skiway is now looking beautiful. Unfortunately, right after finishing the skiway grooming our newest Pistenbully had a major mechanical breakdown late in the afternoon.

What we did today:

  1. Consumption water system operational.
  2. Groomed the skiway a third time.
  3. Groomed parking area for Twin Otter.
  4. Positioned retro cargo pallets near apron.
  5. Diagnosed new Pistenbully with major mechanical failure.
  6. Deployed new logger in the bore hole.
  7. Continued debugging of old logger.
  8. Tested motion detection radar system.
  9. Put up 3 weatherports and made foundations for 2 more.

Weather today: Clear skies and temp. from -40°C to -26°C. Wind: 3-10 kt turning from WSW to W during the day. Visibility: Unrestricted.

FL, Bo M. Vinther