May 31, 2024

Saturday on a Friday!

Grant, Julien and Steff, proudly presenting the succesful deviation drill tested today.

The poor weather conditions from yesterday continued today, and given that being indoors was the better option, we decided to move up our traditional Saturday dinner party to today, Friday. Dorthe opened the evening with a delicious gin and tonic as the welcome drink, while Susanne and Bo had prepared lasagne accompanied with freshly baked buns, garlic butter and a nice green salad for dinner. The dessert consisted of “ice cap” layer cake both containing and accompanied by port wine! After the dinner there was also time and energy for a small dance session in the dome, and to the great joy of everybody the snowy weather let up during the night making room for some sun and even a beautiful halo!
While operations at the surface where near impossible, work in the trenches continued, and a major milestone was reached, as the drillers managed to demonstrate that our new deviation drill worked exactly as we hoped. Using a spring to catch the grove that was previously broached, the sideways cutting drill can be hoisted up and down over the same section in the bore hole, to gradually make a deviation. This is good news for our upcoming project at the old GRIP drill site.
The deviation test also marked the last drilling to be carried out in the EGRIP deep bore hole, and Steff gave speech at the Saturday dinner table pointing out how our success in drilling here at EGRIP is built on the work of many great colleagues no longer amongst us.

What we did today:

  1. Successful test of deviation drill.
  2. Continued packing down in drill trench, including elevator.
  3. Keeping entrances around camp open despite windy and snowy conditions.
  4. Packing down of Cryo-egg/pølse equipment.
  5. Celebrating Saturday on a Friday.

Weather today: Mostly cloudy and snowy, some sun in the evening/night. Temp. from -22°C to -17°C. Wind: Up to 22 kt after lunch from N, decreasing to 9 kt in the evening. Visibility: Just a few hundred meters due to snow and drift, clearing in the evening.

FL, Bo M. Vinther

The entire EGRIP crew of 12 in their Saturday best, on a Friday. Astrid even managed to get a new dress readied from an old couch cover! From left to right: Bo, David, Steff, Sverrir, Sepp, Grant, Mike, Susanne, Dorthe, Julien, Astrid and Martin.