June 3, 2024

Cutting the cable to the winch

Sparks flying in the drill trench! Left the cable is cut, David, Julien and Grant looks on as Steff is cutting the cable, Sepp is photographing the spectacle and Martin is giving a thumbs up. Right: Grant is cutting up the spill tray in the inclined trench.

A milestone in the packing down of the deep drilling operation was reached yesterday, as the cable to our deep drilling winch was cut to facilitate pack down. This marks a very definitive end to the deep drilling here at EGRIP! Also the first extension section of the casing was mounted. This is the first step in extending the casing (and thus the deep bore hole) all the way to a couple of meters above the surface, assuring future access to the bore hole.
Near the apron, more and more cargo is brought next to the pallets we need to build, as well as to our position for long items that need to go as lose load. Wind unfortunately again picked up, making this process more challenging, as ramps started to drift in and surface contrast decreased. Despite the sub-optimal conditions, the apron and taxi-ways were also groomed. We hope the forecast is right, promising more hospitable surface conditions tomorrow, at least the wind came somewhat down during the evening and contrast improved markedly as the sun re-appeared.

What we did today:

  1. Cut cable to winch.
  2. Mounted first piece of casing.
  3. Continued packing down in drill trench.
  4. Movement of packed equipment to apron.
  5. Readying pallets at apron.
  6. Packing down of Cryo-egg/pølse equipment.
  7. Groomed apron and taxi ways.

Weather today: Mostly cloudy with some sunny spells especially in the evening. Temp. from -29°C to -19°C. Wind: 4-16 kt from NNW and N, with windspeed peaking in the afternoon, Visibility: Poor during high winds and thick clouds, turning unrestricted during sunny spells in the evening.

FL, Bo M. Vinther