June 5, 2024

Packing, packing, packing!

Left: Heavy items are craned in position on the pallets by Dorthe, Sepp and Sverrir. Right: Then boxes with drill and science equipment are positioned around and/or on top of the heavy items. Here Susanne, David, Dorthe and Mike are busy packing and organizing the netting for the pallets.

With flight operations scheduled for tomorrow, today has been one more day of intensive packing here at EGRIP. As the drill trench is getting progressively emptier, the apron is getting more and more full of cargo that needs to be palletized in order to be shipped by LC130 aircraft to Kangerlussuaq. Big items need to be craned into position on the pallets, while smaller items are hand carried and lifted onto the pallets. Finally, the cargo on the pallets has to be secured in place using nets. Specialized work that needs to done deliberately and carefully.
On the skiway, Sverrir was busy grooming again today, to make the best possible surface for take-off and landing here at EGRIP. In the drill trench more cargo was brought to the surface and a second casing extension was put into place. The casing is extended above the trench floor.
In the evening Astrid had prepared pizza for all of us, and Martin made sure our busy day was ended with a movie night.

What we did today:

  1. Surfaced and palletized “Pig” Viessmann.
  2. Mounted second casing extension.
  3. Readied 3 more pallets with heavy items.
  4. Readied loose load on sledges.
  5. Palletized Cryo-egg/pølse equipment.
  6. Groomed Skiway.

Weather today: Sunny until the early afternoon, then gradually cloudier with slight precipitation. Temp. from -29°C to -15°C. Wind: 0-6 kt turning from NE to S and then WSW. Visibility: Unrestricted until the afternoon, then decreasing to 1 mile during slight precip.

FL, Bo M. Vinther