June 6, 2024

On standby

ApRES excavation team at various states of digging. Left: David having already found a box? Middle: The whole team of Susanne, David and Astrid. Right: Susanne on her way to find the ApRES equipment.

Today we had hoped to get air traffic here in the EGRIP airport, but unfortunately weather in Kangerlussuaq did not collaborate, so after a busy morning getting ready to handle flights, we went back to our more normal routine in the afternoon. Sverrir gave the skiway one more grooming session and the drillers continued the packing in the drill trench, while Martin went about repairing various electronic items in camp, including installing a new speaker on one of the radios in the cupola. Susanne, Astrid and Dave managed to recover two more ApRES stations in the afternoon, and Dorthe re-flagged shallow core sites close to camp in the evening.
In Kangerlussuaq the team of 9 waiting to go to EGRIP, also had to be on standby during the morning, but managed to enjoy lunch together after the flight cancellation.

What we did today:

  1. Finalized last pallets for Skiers.
  2. Continued packing down of drill trench.
  3. Re-flagged shallow core sites near camp.
  4. Recovered 2 more ApRES stations, 9 out of 10 now recovered.
  5. Groomed Skiway.

Weather today: Mostly cloudy with slight snow in the morning, but some sunny spells in the afternoon. Temp. from -23°C to -9°C. Wind: 0-10 kt turning from SW to S and then SE. Visibility: Unrestricted in the afternoon, but down to 3 miles during slight snow fall.

FL, Bo M. Vinther

Left: Some of the incoming EGRIP crew from left to right: Iben, J.P., Anders KH, Thomas (FOM in Kangerlussuaq), Anders S, Nicholas, Morihiro, and Lin (DV from DIIS) enjoying lunch in Kangerlussuaq. Right: The beautiful ice sheet avaiting them, here one more picture from the ApRES excavation.