Friday 14th June 2024

Snowfall, wind and drifting snow

Full concentration during stress test of the drill setup in the white tent.

For the first time in a week, the weather has not been so collaborative. We had snowfall in the morning, increasing wind and snow drift in the afternoon, making outdoor work unpleasant and partly spoiling our skiway. Not good for tomorrows scheduled skier mission. In the white tent a cable stress test was performed for the intermediate drill system. Pulling up to 1 ton in the cable went fine and will be sufficient for the drilling planned for this season. Pulling somewhat more revealed a weakness in the setup that could become critical for a deeper drilling project. For tomorrow we have both a C-130 and the GEUS Twin-Otter scheduled to arrive during the morning. Hopefully, weather plays along.

What we did today:

  1. Performed stress test of intermediate drill system
  2. Finalised two retro pallets for next skier mission
  3. Prepped cooking and beer machine for Saturday
  4. Watched the Scottish team being beaten up by the Germans

Weather today: Overcast and snowy morning followed by windy afternoon with snow drift. Temp. from -17°C to -7°C. Wind steadily increasing to 18 kt from W and SW. Mostly sunny evening, but clouds are passing by at high speed.

FL, Anders Svensson

Strong wind messes up our flag line. Here Sverrir is rescuing the Icelandic flag