Tuesday 25th June 2024

Reaching bag number one hundred for the drilling

Mostly happy drillers and ice-core processors with ice-core bag 100 (Grant, Mori, Nicholas, Kyra and Iben).

Today drilling in the white tent was resumed and the core length passed ‘Bag 100’. For historical reasons, all ice cores that end up in the Danish ice-core freezer are cut into sections of 55 cm length for storage – the ‘bag’ unit. Whereas 55 cm may not appear the most obvious choice of length unit, it would simply be too cumbersome and confusing to change the unit now that all ice core boxes and exiting ice cores follow this system. Therefore, all ice-core people think depth in the two different units – the 1-meter SI unit and the 0.55 m bag unit. The positive side of using the two units simultaneously is that it allows for twice as many celebrations in the drilling and ice-core processing. Today the drilling passed bag 100 (55m depth): celebration! Soon the ice core length will reach 100 m: celebration! Then follows bag 200, etc., depending on how deep the core will end up being. Besides many of us being all confused about depths, Sverrir got the camp surface back to normal after all the snowing we have had recently, Sepp continued digging his way down to the S3 shallow bore hole that will be temperature logged, and the radar group prepared the coming days radar surveys. Camp inventory and documentation is ongoing and then there was freshly caught salmon with freshly dug potatoes and trifle with Cognac for dessert!

What we did today:

  1. Drilling in white tent. Logger’s depth: 60.92 m (10.18 m drilled)
  2. Worked on updating inventory
  3. Cleaned up camp for snow
  4. Prepared temperature logging of shallow hole S3
  5. Prepared for radar surveys

Weather today: Overcast with sunny spells and light snowfall. Temperatures from -11 °C to -6 °C. Wind 3-9 kt from NW.

FL, Anders Svensson