Friday 28th June 2024

Drill liquid and Pølsefest – the coolest sausage stand on the ice sheet

All EGRIP celebrities showed up at lunch-time Pølsefest in front of white tent today

In the afternoon, drill liquid was added to the borehole to see how that affects the drilling. When drilling to greater depths it is necessary to add drill liquid to the borehole, otherwise the borehole will close itself and the drill is at risk of being stuck. For the shallow S10 drilling there is no need to add the liquid, but it is still important to try it out as a test for future deeper drillings. The positive result was an instant increase of the ice core length with the first core drilled in liquid being more than 2 metres long! Unfortunately, the use of liquid also has its downsides, because it makes the handling of the drill and the ice cores a lot less pleasant as everything gets soaked in drill liquid. Indeed, when the core was sticking out of the drill and had to be pushed up into drill that was full of liquid the drillers got a drill liquid shower in the inclined trench. There is no such thing as a free long ice core. Before all of this happened there was however a free lunch at the Pølsefest in front of the white tent – an event that is best described in pictures rather than with words. Meanwhile, Lee and Andrew went almost 100 km upstream NEGIS with the radar on a 12-hour exhausting Skidoo drive.

What we did today:

  1. Drilling with drill liquid. Logger’s depth: 80.22 m (6.85 m drilled)
  2. Continued maintenance of heavy vehicles
  3. Finished temperature logging of shallow hole S3
  4. Clearing ramps to trench and freezer
  5. Lee and Andrew went 90+ km upstream NEGIS
  6. Held Pølsefest in front of white tent

Weather today: Partly overcast, some snowfall and some blue sky. Temperatures from -18 °C to -6 °C. Wind 5-14 kt from SW and W.

FL, Anders Svensson

Anders KH prepares for a big stir at Pølsefest

Iben arrived at Pølsefest with her two bodyguards

A popular game was played at Pølsefest

Drillers are adding drill liquid to the bore hole. All expectations were met