April 27, 2024

Kangerlussuaq office is open

EGRIP cargo being pick up at the Air Greenland cargo terminal by the FOM and GRIP team.

This year, we are looking forward to a very exciting field campaign both at the old GRIP site but also at the EastGRIP camp.
A small team of three people will be deployed through Summit Station and visit the old GRIP site. GRIP drilling camp closed in 1993 and was last time visited in 2010. With radar and shovels the team will hopefully find the old borehole and use cameras to check the state of the casing in the borehole.
Focus at EGRIP camp will be on the basal part of the deep drilling, try new drilling equipment (rock drill, intermidiate winch and replicate drilling) and document + pack down camp to make it ready for traverse next year.

The 2024 Greenland season has now started, and the first Field Operation Manager (FOM), Marie, arrived to Kangerlussuaq the day before yesterday. The field office is up and running with phone and soon also internet connection. The field office will be open until mid-/late July and will be the logistics gateway for the EastGRIP operations. The first field team arrived in Greenland today (the GRIP team) and the put-in for EGRIP station is planned for 10th of May. Daily reports will be posted and available online here at the EGRIP webpage once the first people are out in the field.

The first load of cargo, for both the GRIP and EastGRIP field season 2024, has been shipped to Kangerlussuaq in Greenland with Blue Water Shipping, and are in our warehouse.

Focus for the next coming days will be getting the GRIP team ready for flying to Summit camp on Wednesday. In parallel essentials will be established in Kangerlussuaq before the EGRIP put-in team arrives from May 7th with Air Greenland from Copenhagen. This includes getting all the vehicles maintained and running. When the EGRIP put-in team arrives in Kangerlussuaq all cargo, food etc. will be ready to be built on Air Force pallets and shipped to EastGRIP.

FOM, Marie Kirk
GRIP team member, Iben Koldtoft